Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I always told myself I'd never start a blog because I didn't have anything intelligent to write. But then again maybe I just need to vent to myself. Beauty in the eyes of the beholder right? The one place where I have the free time and motivation to write up a masterpiece is at work. There is something so peculiar about sitting in a small eight by eight cubicle typing away at a computer. At first you dress to impress, wearing nice button-ups and slacks, showing up early to work after prettying yourself up in the morning. But as time goes on things begin to degenerate. Slacks become jeans, jeans become sweatpants, sweatpants become khaki shorts, khaki shorts become basketball shorts. Button-ups become shirts which become undershirts leading all the way to the bottom of the ladder of the same sweatshirt day after day after day. So essentially although I used to go to work looking like a Korean drama star, now I go looking like a lazy Asian college boy (which is essentially what I've become). To be perfectly honest, this cubicle programming life is not for me for three reasons

1. It is not interactive ~ I need to be able to talk to people at some point about something other than problems with code, why programming sucks, and why our vendor doesn't care.
2. It is not interesting ~ I write easy database code for a company that makes applications for IRB staff (asking for research grants) who honestly cares about this stuff.
3. My vision already sucks ~ sitting in front of a computer for 8 hours then going home and sitting on a computer for the rest of the night doesn't really help those corneas and pupils.

The fact of the matter is that I can think of a lot of better things that I could do than be here. But I want to live my lavish lifestyle so I show up every now and then to remind them that I'm still alive. On a random note, its funny how things change, how people change. Mostly people, because things are bound to change but its the people that you tend to lean on when you need them. What happens if they're not there anymore to be your foundation. If one foundation crumbles, others can still support the building, but if too many disappear then it all comes falling down. I never liked Shakespeare, but the bard has some good lines which I'll end with.

"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages."

I dont want to be on the stage, I want to be watching on the balcony

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